Send a separate email for each integration request to [email protected] including the following information:
A new ticket will be created and we will gladly inform you about the next steps. Note that different integration topics are processed by different staff members, therefore we can not handle different integration topics in the same ticket and you have to open a new ticket for each request.
For questions about a current topic, please use the corresponding ticket and do not create new tickets. Note that changing requests and updates during the integration process can cause long waiting times.
After forming a License Agreement and the upload of your data we will create/check your libraries. Due to quality regulations according to ISO 13485 some libraries have to go through a profound internal test and validation process, which can take some time.
In the last step of the integration process your files will be encrypted and your libraries receive our signature. Finally your libraries will be published on our download portal.
Note: We only support libraries for the latest software version!
To be able to integrate your data or to assist you, it is required to form a License Agreement first. We use different License Agreements for various library types, that is why you might need to sign a new agreement even if you have already integrated different library types before.
You can find helpful documentation and tools in our secure area. The credentials will be given to you when you acquire a software test license.
If you need a software test license for an ongoing integration project and you have already signed our License Agreement, you can request a test license by sending a new email to [email protected].
A reduced fee will be charged for this license
Other documents and demo libraries are provided upon request.
DentalCAD/ChairsideCAD/AbutmentCAD features advanced dental design and supports implant libraries for prosthetic components.
Supported library types:
Additional modules:
Find detailed information about our CAD Prosthetic Component Integration Service in our Information CAD Component Library Service and Price List.
Read our Creating Implant Geometries for exocad to create your prosthetic geometries and Creating Implant Libraries for exocad DentalCAD to create your exocad DentalCAD prosthetic libraries.
To use the immediate load feature in our software, keywords (”connectionIDs”) must be implemented in the prosthetic libraries.
These keywords are used to make the prosthetic libraries compatible with the exoplan implant planning libraries.
Different components that share the same connection and are considered “compatible” use the same connection keyword.
The connectionID keywords are initially defined by exocad staff in the exoplan implant planning libraries. So if the compatible exoplan implant planning libraries are not yet released, it is not possible to make the prosthetic libraries available for the immediate load feature.
To make your prosthetic component libraries available for the immediate load feature in our software, we need a list/overview about which implant diameter/length of the compatible exoplan implant planning library is compatible with which implant type/subtype of the exocad DentalCAD prosthetic library.
After updating your prosthetic libraries, they go through an extensive internal testing and validation process. The testing process can take several weeks depending on the size of the libraries.
Since exocad DentalCAD 3.1 Rijeka, it is possible to design implant-based restorations based on stock abutment libraries.
Find helpful information in our Creating Stock Abutment Libraries document.
The crown on top of the stock abutments will be designed without an emergence profile and screw channel. Use stock abutments by selecting "on stock abutment" in the DB and selecting "stock abutment" in the scan body-matching step.
You can create stock abutment libraries by selecting the "stock abutment" library type in the Implant Library Editor.
Below you will find the minimum required components for the "stock abutment" library type:
Please note:
Only libraries that contain parts with FDA clearance can be used with our U.S. software for ChairsideCAD and DentalCAD.
To integrate your FDA cleared prosthetic components into our AbutmentCAD module for the U.S., follow the steps below as well as our specifications, Excel sheet and demo library (upon request).
1) Make sure that you separate "non-U.S." from U.S.-marketed components and create dedicated U.S. libraries for those components
2) Add the suffix "_fda" to all U.S. library folder names.
3) Provide 510(k) numbers for each prosthetic part which will be integrated and fill in all 510(k) numbers for each library folder via the prepared Excel sheet.
4) Make sure to use Engine Build 7969 or 7996 version of our Implant Library Editor for usage with an exocad DentalCAD dongle.
5) The library's description must contain the suffix "FDA".
6) Set regulatory clearance tag “FDA“ in Library Type > Other restrictions.
7) Fill in all abutment restrictions (red marked) with meaningful information for each component.
8) Provide minimum thickness mesh and minimum thickness as value.
9) Provide part information for all scan abutments, titanium bases and premills:
From the part information, the Implant Library Editor creates the .partInfo file. This file is stored in the library folder.
When sending a library to exocad for signing, this file will be part of the validation process. Please do not change the filename of any .partInfo file.
With DentalCAD 3.2 Elefsina you can design Post & Core and the matching crown within a wizard workflow.
Based on the designed anatomy, the new feature helps you to generate "post & core" for fast and functional root canal treatment, as well as the final restoration in one combined workflow.
If you are interested in this topic or if you want us to build & integrate your individual post & core library into exocad, feel free to ask for further information.
To create models using our Model Creator module, it is necessary to define separate implant lab analog libraries. This is because Model Creator is an additional module within exocad DentalCAD. The Implant Library Editor does currently NOT support the Model Creator library creation. You need to manually create the config.xml file with a text editor tool.
The following steps guide you through the creation process:
To integrate your teeth we need:
Your acrylic teeth must have similar measurements so that the tooth pockets that we digitally cut out of the denture base fit to the acrylic teeth. For this reason, it is required that you are using CAD/CAM systems (CNC-milling of tooth molds) for your acrylic tooth production process. This determines the measurement accuracy of the tooth shapes. The quality of scanned teeth is not sufficient.
If you have recommended tooth setups as digital scans, we can use them to create tooth setups and/or presets if you have multiple setups for the same teeth.
Otherwise, we will create a compelling tooth setup in full occlusion and create the necessary denture tooth library set for you.
The posterior teeth will be fixed in their setup and will be loaded into our software in perfect occlusion.
The anterior teeth will be loaded into the software in their "perfect setup" but can be repositioned by the customer.
If you have multiple setups for one tooth combination we can integrate predefined tooth setups in preset files. Presets enable quick and easy tooth setups in the software. For this we simply need the scans of all your setups.
There are several design and production methods for digital dentures, as you can see in the overview of our currently integrated tooth shapes.
We recommend enabling support for 3D-printing of tooth shapes with tooth material and milling teeth in (original) tooth material discs.The tooth shapes will then be integrated as open files so that printing/milling software can read the data for production. This decision determines our integration workflow and priorization of each integration project. With open files the user has the full flexibility in production options. The support of tooth shape scaling enables the user to optionally scale the teeth to fit the situation of the individual patient.
If you do not want to enable open files, only pre-manufactured acrylic teeth can be used. In this case there is also the possibility to only allow an export of a monoblock for try-in export that exports a merged open STL file of the tooth shapes and denture base fused together. The users can e.g. 3D-print the monoblock and use it as a try-in for the final denture that will get created afterwards (with the acrylic teeth).
Please note that we take every integration request seriously and our entire team works hard to complete your project as quickly as possible. We understand that you would like to know an approximate time frame for your integration project.
Due to quality regulations, each library for our medical device software has to go through our profound internal test and validation process. This can be rather time consuming. However, there is the possiblity for you to become an official exocad reseller. This elevates your projects to a different level of service, allowing us to prioritize the project.
There are the implant library "type" and "subtype" as hierarchy options. Depending on the quantity of scan bodies, it may make sense to place them in the subtype level.
A further selection option via an additional dropdown for the scan body is currently not possible.
This geometry is used as the bottom part of the designed abutment.
In prosthetic libraries this mesh is called "connection geometry."
Contact us via [email protected]. We will gladly inform you about the procedure.
The minimum thickness mesh is a hull curve between implant connection platform and screw channel around the support geometry.
This cannot be violated during the design process in exocad DentalCAD/AbutmentCAD.
The minimum thickness mesh must have one open boundary curve.
The open boundary curve of the minimum thickness mesh must match the lower boundary curve of the connection support geometry.
In this case of one-piece implants the library type "stock abutment" is usable. You can create a stock abutment library by selecting the "stock abutment" library type in the Implant Library Editor.
Here is an overview of the required library components:
The suffix "_conid" in folder names is not used anymore. It was added by exocad to indicate that the library is compatible to exoplan. The intention was to help the customers to identify compatible libraries right away from the folder names.
No, the data is converted into a proprietary file format and thereby protected.
Exception: The simplified geometries used to match the scan markers in exocad DentalCAD remain in .stl file format in order to ensure compatibility with a variety of different scanner software systems.In order to make the warning dialog box disappear, it is necessary to have the libraries officially signed by exocad. A signed library has been checked/validated by exocad. An unsigned library is a library that you have created yourself, without exocad being involved in any way. The Implant Library Editor only performs a basic test as to whether the meshes are correct. Self-created libraries can contain errors that lead to software malfunctions. Therefore, it is strongly recommended not to use unsigned libraries, except for testing purposes. The software will display multiple warning messages if you use an unsigned library.
Please note: exocad does not accept any bug reports for any datasets that were created using unsigned libraries. Moreover, exocad does not provide support for creating libraries that are not intended to be signed later.
This procedure is possible with integration "Option 2: Dummy geometries, compatible with your milling center."
"Dummy" geometries are geometries that must be replaced before production or that can only be used for fabrication with special tools.
"Real" geometries are geometries that can be used by end users for direct production.
The folders and file paths are referenced in the exocad software and used by downstream software systems (e.g. CAM software) to identify the library.
The use of special characters or excessively long character strings can lead to error messages in the software.
Please note that we can only integrate libraries that follow our naming conventions defined in our manuals.
Yes, refer to our Instruction Manual for Creating Implant Geometries for more details.
Libraries associated with any of our medical device software require due to quality regulations an internal validation process, performed by our expert testing team.
For this reason, the integration of pure DentalCAD libraries is usually faster than the integration of AbutmentCAD libraries.
To avoid this message follow our Instruction Manual for Creating Implant Geometries for exocad on page 7 and set up the directory of your software as follows:
...*directory of your DentalCAD software if available*\DentalCADApp
...*directory of your exoplan software if available*\ImplantPlanning
exoplan features tools for implant position planning and surgical guide design with our Guide Creator module.
The first step is to integrate your implants. After the implant integration is finished, the creation of surgical guide libraries will be handled in a separate ticket. The reason for this is that we have to initialize some information in the implant libraries which will be used after that in the sleeve and kits for compatibility.
Prosthetic libraries for DentalCAD/ChairsideCAD also work in exoplan if they are compatible with the implant libraries. The compatibility can be established by adding implant connection information to the prosthetic libraries after the exoplan implant libraries have been successfully integrated.
Find an overview of our currently integrated implants in our exoplan Supported Libraries document.
We are happy to create exoplan implant libraries for you with our Implant Library Service. This is ideal for partners who want to focus on their core competencies and do not want to bother learning the exocad library concept. Read our Information Implant Library Service document for detailed information about our Implant Library Service, as well as integration process. Find pricing details in our Price List.
Carefully read our explanation document “exoplan_Dimensions.pdf”, that will help you to fill out our Implant Parameter List and create your .stl files.
With the implant planning software exoplan, it is possible to plan surgical guides. To enable the software to create a surgical guide with your components, they must be integrated in different libraries. In general, guide planning is only possible with an integrated implant library and additional exoplan Guide Creator libraries. There are several solutions for guided surgery, that can be enabled with exoplan Guide Creator libraries:
We are happy to create exoplan Guide Creator libraries for you with our Surgical Component Library Service.
Read our Information Surgical Component Library Service document for detailed information about our Surgical Component Library Service, as well as integration process.
Find pricing details in our Price List.
Find below the most important information on exoplan Guide Creator libraries.
To integrate exoplan Guide Creator libraries the following information is mandatory. The information will be displayed in the surgical report which is created by exoplan automatically after planning the surgical guide:
For specifications on the data and model file orientation see “exoplan_Dimensions.pdf”.
Send us as much detailed information as possible about your guided surgery solution via an exomine ticket. The ticket will be created by sending an email to [email protected]. Possible sources of information are:
The data will be analyzed by our staff. Please expect questions for more clarification. In most of the cases, we need you to fill you the following Excel spreadsheet.
For specific information, we need redundant information to ensure a proper integration. This information is safety relevant and needed by our quality departement to ensure ISO 13485Excel spreadsheet. For each item of the surgical application, you will find values to enter. For each value we provided images or a tool tip when hovering over the headline. To provide us information on the surgical procedure, answer the questions in the tab "Q&A." Please note, that the surgical protocol displays information on the last drill step forming the osteotomy (for reference, see the picture below).
The Guide Creator libraries are created in-house by exocad staff. Each new system integration or update will undergo an intensive internal testing afterwards. The testing consists of three steps that can only be done sequentially. Be prepared that new questions about the provided information may come up during the library testing. Afterwards the libraries will be uploaded to our download portal. An average timeframe for a Guide Creator integration from request to library upload is currently 12+ months.
We work with a ticketing system. Write each request in a separate email to [email protected]. Each integration task will be handled in a separate ticket.
In this case, we will not include the color information within the library to avoid any confusion. You can leave the “Reference Color” field of the parameter list empty.
Our libraries are independent of our software products. That means that CAD libraries for DentalCAD/ChairsideCAD also work in exoplan. Compatibility between components can be established by adding implant connection information to the prosthetic libraries after the exoplan implant libraries have been successfully integrated. Please send your request (including the ticket number of your implant integration project) to [email protected].
This integration task will be handled in a separate ticket. Please write a separate email to [email protected].
The creation of sleeve/kit libraries is a subsequent task to the implant library integration. They will be handled in a separate ticket after the implant library creation/update is finished. Please write a separate email to [email protected] after your exoplan implant libraries have been successfully integrated.
Some of the information that is required to design the surgical guide is stored in exoplan implant libraries. This information is safety relevant and needs to be initialized and validated. Therefore the Guide Creator integration (sleeve, kit and fixation library) can not start before the implant library integration is finished.
Please refer to the “exoplan_Dimensions.pdf” sheet (section 2.3) in step 4 of section 3.1. Please contact our integration specialist via our ticket system if you face problems in filling out the Excel file.
After implant planning and surgical guide design, drill and sleeve information is printed in a PDF surgical report. Both pieces of information are relevant for safety in practice and therefore must be integrated into the libraries.
It is possible to integrate libraries without a solid sleeve part. In this case, we need exact information on the diameter of the circular void which will be used to guide the drills.
Yes, it is possible to integrate universal sleeve/kit compatibilities. In this case, it is not possible to store specified distances between implant and sleeve.
The creation of sleeve/kit/pin libraries is exclusively done by exocad staff. Unfortunately, it is not possible to create guided surgery libraries by yourself and we do not have a manual for them.
Please note that our entire team is working hard to finish your project as soon as possible. Sometimes, unforeseen delays can happen. If you did not get a response within 7 days, feel free to reply to the most recent email to ask for assistance.
The invoice will be sent after the libraries have been published. Payment is due within the given timeframe.
The UID number is used to clearly identify companies that have their registered office in the European Union for the purposes of VAT law. VAT stands for "Value Added Tax" and is to identify companies for tax purposes. DUNS is the abbreviation for Data Universal Numbering System, a numbering system for the unique identification of companies. You can request this information from your finance or quality assurance department.
We work with a ticketing system. Write each question in a separate email to [email protected]. This ensures the quickest response times.