exocad TruSmile Video

IS JUST ONETruSmile Video  AWAY!


Inspire patients with powerful smile vizualizations

With TruSmile Video and TruSmile Photo, you can create highly realistic smile makeover visualizations based on individual tooth setups and treatment plans! Dental labs can use these features to provide added value to their dentist clients, while dentists can inspire confidence and excitement in their patients.


TruSmile Photo

  A photorealistic preview, based on the lab technician’s restorative design, to generate an AI-based simulation of the procedure outcome 

  Helps patients make informed decisions​ 

TruSmile Video

  Based on the restoration/smile design and video of the patient, an AI-based realistic simulation video of the patient’s smile makeover is created

  Provides an emotional tool for communication about treatment options 

New Smile Creator AI Photo Analysis 

  Provides a faster, more automated Smile Creator workflow with AI 


Please note: Early access to TruSmile Photo and TruSmile Video is now available for EU and US users of exocad DentalCAD3.2 Elefsina (Build 9036 or later), with my.exocad integration and the Smile Creator Module  

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  • Faster workflows, improved proficiency

  • It’s easy to use and to reach your high expectations

  • Flexibility as you require it

  • Reliability you can trust

  • Independent & innovative

  • Truly future-proof

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