exocad DentalCAD 2.4 Plovdiv available now

DARMSTADT, Germany, January 27, 2020

At the end of 2019, exocad GmbH announced the worldwide availability of the new software version DentalCAD 2.4 Plovdiv - after Matera in March 2019, the second comprehensive release of the year. One of the highlights is the significantly enhanced FullDenture module, which now also allows the design of removable single jaw dentures in a guided digital workflow. With the new and expanded functionality in the FullDenture module, practically all digital full denture production methods can be mapped. Whether printing or milling, ready-made or individually designed teeth - with the new Plovdiv release, digital full dentures can be implemented more easily than ever before. With this release, exocad provides users of the leading dental CAD software with an innovative tool with great future potential. Dental technicians can now gradually prepare their laboratory for the digital fabrication of complete dentures.

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